Sour Steezle currently resides in the most beautiful corner of Colorado, a place where the beer flows like wine, and beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Kapastrano. As you reach a higher elevation, both mentally and physically, you begin to understand the true beauty of this magnificent landscape. The very talented men and women of Sour Steezle are always down to get down. We love filming and we would love to film you if you got what it takes. So join the breathtaking times with Sour Steezle.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

GoPro in Utah

John-O tests out his new helmet cam at Snowbird, UT for spring break. Over a foot fell the first day of the trip making for some good soft snow. Check out the footy

GoPro in Utah from Matt Clarke on Vimeo.

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