Sour Steezle currently resides in the most beautiful corner of Colorado, a place where the beer flows like wine, and beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Kapastrano. As you reach a higher elevation, both mentally and physically, you begin to understand the true beauty of this magnificent landscape. The very talented men and women of Sour Steezle are always down to get down. We love filming and we would love to film you if you got what it takes. So join the breathtaking times with Sour Steezle.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Time Sliding with Sour

Sour is still alive and kickin'. Sorry about the delay and lack of up keep but most of us have been busy shredding, studying, graduating, or some sort of ing... But, we havent forgotten about our loyal viewers so here is a video to keep everyone stoked on any form of sliding whether it be on snow, water, pavement, dirt, or air. Keep on sliding!

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